Day Trading Chat Room

Talk with other day traders and find out about day trade opportunities in real time.

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Find Day Trading Opportunities

In our chat room, you can talk with other day traders, get day trading alerts in real time when they post trades, see their watch lists, and view their day trading track records.

Our day trading chat room also features real-time trade alerts from Twitter as well as a feed of stock market news from places like Market Watch, Market Insiders, and the Federal Reserve Board. We send alerts when companies are about to report earnings.

See how day trading alerts work
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Day Trading Discord Server

We use a discord server to host our trading chat room. It’s a cutting-edge chat technology that makes it easy to stay engaged in the conversation.

See how our discord server works
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Day Trading Courses

Members of Trading Chat Room get access to all the educational resources we offer. We compiled educational material from stock market professionals to create courses about day trading stocks and options.

See what the day trading course includes

Day Trading Resources

What we aim to do here at Trading Chat Room is a be a complete resource for day traders.

People who day trade need information quickly. Whether you’re scalping or looking to hold a position for a few hours, time is of the essence and decisions typically need to be made quickly.

That’s one of the key benefits of being involved in our day trading chat room – there is a regular flow of real time information with alerts.

Be Part of a Community

Join our day trading community and rub shoulders with people who love trading in the stock market.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never used discord before. Will I be able to figure it out?

Many people are new to discord. It’s simply a chatroom software. We have tutorials that walk you through how to get set up and also how each part of the chat room works.

Is there a way for me to get alerts when people post new trades?

Discord gives you the ability to turn on and off alerts. You can enable discord alerts that notify you every time there is a new post in the chat room. Many times, that post will be a trading opportunity.